Sunday, May 20, 2012


This is Misha. We spend lots of time together at home. I blog, read, cook, clean, watch tv, etc, and she sleeps and we both are happy when her daddy, my husband Sonny, comes home from work at the end of the day.

I loved Misha when I first met her. She may not agree because whenever I showed up at my husband's house she would bark, jump, lick, and basically run me over. When I married Sonny it seemed as though she knew and from that day forward I was then her "mama". I think she likes me more now. Although, it's probably just because I'm the one that fills her water bowl the most often.

Misha is a mix of a pit bull and a labrador retriever and she was a rescue dog. When Sonny first bought the house we still live in now, he thought the best feature was that it had a doggy door. A friend of a friend knew of Misha needing a home and Sonny says when he first met Misha it was love at first sight. Aww.

I have to say that Misha is one of the most well-behaved dogs I have ever met. She goes to the bathroom in the same spot in the backyard every time, generously leaving the rest of the yard for us to enjoy. If there ever is a time when we have forgotten to fill her water bowl outside, she nudges us, barks and whines a little, and smartly leads us to the back door so hopefully we get that she is trying to say she's thirsty. Most of the time we get it. She barks at strangers when she's supposed to and when we tell her to stop, she does. She also barks at the cats that like to crawl underneath our house to tease her and I am always grateful that we never have a rat/mouse problem because I like to think she scares those away too. She follows me everywhere, lying on the rug outside the bathroom door while I handle my business, even laying under the desk with her chin on my feet while I write this post.

One of Misha's only faults is that she loves to sleep on our bed. When one of us is home she doesn't dare go in our bedroom, but if she sees us go out its like she's programmed to run straight into our room and wiggle her way under the covers. I might have forgotten to mention that Misha sheds. A lot. And when she wiggles under the covers there is dog hair everywhere. Despite all attempts (well, we've only tried yelling at her and she genuinely gives us her "I'm sorry" face) we can just not keep her off the bed. I suppose we are resigned to closing the bedroom door whenever we leave the house for the rest of her life.

Its okay, we still love you Misha, and we always will.

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